About Us

Enabled by the open banking revolution, we are on a mission to become the global leader in technology-empowered investing solutions for DIY investors.

In other words, we seek to empower our users to build and own their best portfolios so that they can reach and even surpass their wealth goals.
We develop the solutions brokers never bothered to build for their clients due to their focus on getting customers to trade. Our solutions comprise 360° portfolio insights, portfolio optimization, portfolio tracking and professional-grade investment research – at a price that makes successful, sustainable wealth building accessible to everyone. 

Our Team

Meet our co-founder team of technophile finance experts and financephile engineers.



Para is our data gatekeeper. Para makes sure that Ziggma provides the most accurate and relevant data. Para has also been instrumental to the design and development of our proprietary Ziggma Stock Score.
Paraskevi has a past in investment banking at Brockett Tamny & Co.
Living in sunny California, Paraskevi looks to get away for a long hikes on the state’s beautiful trails.

Ulrich Ebensperger

Product and Business Development

Ulrich hails from the world of institutional finance, where he’s worked for over 15 years as a financial analyst at some of the world’s largest asset managers.
Ulrich extensively leverages this experience in product development.
As a passionate outdoor adventurer, when not in front of his screen, Ulrich systematically seeks to factor in the environmental impact when making investment decisions.



Chrys is our tech wizard holding the strings when it comes to our tech stack. Chrys is passionate about working with data-intensive applications.
Being originally from Cyprus, Chrys loves sunny climates. So, living in California works out quite well for him.
Chrys has worked at Google and Bloomberg.