Impact investing

Invest with purpose

Our collective voice as a shareholders matters. Join Ziggma to vote on topics close to your heart.

Successful impact investing
Vote your shares as part of impact investing
Make you voice heard.

Vote your shares for collective impact.

In 2023, hundreds of US companies included votes on hot-button issues, such as climate, diversity or worker rights, in their annual meetings.

Yet, due to lack of awareness and context, only 11% of private shareholders voted their shares.

We help you make your voice heard by providing full coverage of impactful shareholder resolutions.

Link your account to get alerts on shareholders on the issues you care about most.

Hold your portfolio companies accountable.

As a shareholders you are a company owner. As such, make your voice heard to shape the mandate given to the people running the company. Make this mandate align with your perception of socially responsible business practices.

polar bear

Climate Change

In the face of climate change, dozens of shareholder resolutions at companies are filed each year at companies, such as Southern Company, Nextera or Exxon Mobil. They request Boards to issue short and long-term targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal.

safety jacket

Worker Safety

Large corporations, such as Walmart, are being urged to evaluate business practices that contribute to unsafe work environments.
Failure to effectively address workplace safety and violence exposes stakeholders, including employees, to unacceptable harms and exposes Walmart to financial, reputational, and legal risks.



Many large corporations have a poor record of biodiversity protection. Inadequate management actions can intensify the severity of biodiversity incidents and contribute to the emergence of future risks and controversies in a Company’s operations.

What is impact investing?

How does impact investing work?

How impact investing through Ziggma works


What are direct impact investments?