Keeping track of portfolio companies’ KPIs

Many investors spend countless hours selecting stocks for their portfolios. This of course makes a lot of sense. They are putting their money at risk, becoming a shareholder of a company and are looking to participate in the value that is being created by the company.

The investment process

Pursuant to a satisfactory outcome of his analysis, an investor, let’s call him Tom, buys shares in a company. His investment horizon is medium to long term, which in our book is one year to infinity.

Shares in company X then become part of Tom’s portfolio, which comprises several other positions. Time goes by and Tom’s life is as busy as anyone’s. Very soon he will have forgotten about the thresholds that made him decide to buy shares in Company X in the first place. It is unlikely that he took notes of his research or that he can find those notes for that matter. So if Tom wants to know how Company X is doing on those very KPIs (key performance indicators) on the basis of which he chose to invest in the company, what can he do?

Tracking portfolio companies’ financial performance

The truth is: very little. This is why we have come up with a simple and effective way to help Tom and the many investors like him. The Ziggma Portfolio Manager gives its users the possibility to enter the purchase date at which the shares were acquired in the Fundamental portfolio view. (If the shares were acquired after the user has connected his account to Ziggma, we will of course have the purchase date automatically.) We then fetch the values of these KPIs corresponding to that date and display them next to the respective current value. For additional convenience we then display the KPI’s current value in green if it has improved relative to the purchase date and in red if it has deteriorated.

Take a look here. Tracking KPIs in Ziggma is as straight forward as it is convenient.

Tracking companies' key performance metrics


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