High-quality stock research for every budget
Thousands of stock scores to build your best portfolio
The algorithm computing the Ziggma Stock Score is 100% fundamental data driven, covering dozens of indicators on growth, valuation, profitability and financial strength.
By scoring stocks on a scale of 0-100 against industry peers, the Ziggma Stock Score lets you identify best-in-class stocks in a matter of seconds.
Quality matters
High quality = higher returns
Portfolio quality matters. We ran the numbers.
User portfolios with a high portfolio Ziggma stock score significantly outperform investment portfolios of inferior overall quality.

Our approach and philosophy
Algorithm-powered fundamental research both high-quality and affordable
When it comes to identifying the best stocks, there are thousands of data points at play. So leveraging technology and smart algorithms to rank stocks is the way to go.
In designing the methodology, we leveraged our experience as financial analysts.
The algorithm now essentially does our work, better and faster.
Sub-scores for your investment strategy: growth, value, income…
Are you focusing on growth stocks? Or are you a value investor? Sub-scores are a great way to align your stock research with your investment preferences.

Questions and answers.
Which companies get a Ziggma Stock Score?
All US stocks with a marketcap in excess of $ 100 million are scored against their industry peers and get a Ziggma stock score. We established this threshold to steer clear from “special” cases, such as zombie companies, startups, special acquisition vehicles, etc. with aberrant ratios, income statements or balance sheets.
How is it possible to offer such advanced, computer-powered fundamental research available at such an affordable rate?
It’s high time to level the playing field and provide private investors with first-grade, computer-powered stock research. If we can offer Ziggma Stock Scores at such an affordable rate, it’s because the cost of data and computer power is now a fraction of what it was a few years. We are passing these savings on to our users. So don’t be shy and tell your friends about it.
Why do some companies have two scores?
When more than one class of stock is offered by a company, they are usually designated as Class A shares and Class B shares. We have decided to score them both. Normally, the two have similar scores.
Which financial indicators are processed by the fundamental research algorithm?
In total, our proprietary algorithm captures over 50 financial indicators for growth, profitability, valuation, financial position.
It’s important to note that for banks, REITs and insurance companies we use industry specific KPIs, such as net interest margin for banks or loan to value for REITs. The notion of (industry) peer comparison is crucial. Although it would our life easier, it makes no sense to compare Tesla against JP Morgan based on fundamental analysis. A bank has no EBITDA, valuation levels are completely different and I could go on. Be mindful of this crucial distinctions when you see such cross industry comparisons on other platforms.
How frequently does the Ziggma stock score get updated?
All scores are updated daily capturing new data points on stock prices and fundamentals.