Why We Built Ziggma

It is the natural question of every investor discovering Ziggma. What can the Ziggma investing tool do for me? What tools and information does it provide to help me invest better?

In light of this interrogation, we feel it is important that we gather our thoughts from time to time to ensure that as a team we stay on the right path toward the objective. At the start of this week, the Ziggma team sat down to reflect on what we want to achieve with Ziggma. Luckily, the objective is still as clear as ever.

Ziggma takes the complexity out of portfolio management to help you invest in Better Portfolio Management with more confidence.

How to build the optimal user interface – in all humility – a bit less. Many ideas fly around the virtual meeting room. We think we got off to a good start but we only have just that – our opinion. So, if you have used ziggma before and you like the product, please give us four minutes to run through this survey. Your input is key to us to get things right as we execute on our many ideas to make investing easy and fun for you.

Back to why we built Ziggma

Many people like to invest in the stock market and particularly in shares. It is very understandable. There are many motives:

  • Build wealth for financial well-being
  • Wanting to own shares in the many great companies out there
  • Competition and fun: Wanting to beat the market, friends, foes
  • Because buying shares just got priceless

Investing has become very seamless and most importantly inexpensive thanks to the next-gen brokers, such as Robinhood and Stash.

But there is a major problem

Once you own a portfolio, it quickly becomes complex to keep up, meaning it’s difficult to maintain a good understanding of many important aspects of your portfolio:

  • Am I sufficiently diversified or do I have all my eggs in the same basket?
  • What is my portfolio’s risk profile? Is it in line with what I am willing to accept?
  • Is my portfolio in line with my investment style? How did I end up owning bank shares when I am actually a growth investor?
  • Do I own the best stocks?
  • Are the companies I own living up to my expectations when I first bought them?
  • Will my portfolio allow me to achieve my financial goals? If not, what can I do to get there?

We built Ziggma to solve this multi-faceted problem for all investors. By providing a single comprehensive solution to help you understand, optimize and monitor your portfolio.

All you have to do is link your investment portfolio(s) to Ziggma – if you link an Interactive Brokers account, please find instructions for the four-step process here.

The Ziggma features that get the job done

As seasoned investors and investment professionals, we know the tools of the trade. But why reserve them to professional investors when they are anything but rocket science? It’s all about common sense, and some very basic notions of math.
Here are the solutions provided by Ziggma to address the complexity of staying on top of an investment portfolio.


Am I sufficiently diversified?

Or do I have all my eggs in the same basket?

Ziggma Diversification Charts / Ziggma Smart Alerts

Best portfolio management tool


What is my portfolio’s risk profile?

Is it in line with the risk level I am willing to accept? 


Ziggma Risk Measures: Sharpe Ratio, Portfolio Beta / Ziggma Smart Alerts

  • Keep an eye on your portfolio’s Sharpe Ratio and beta
  • Set smart alerts to get notified when your tolerance thresholds are hit.

Portfolio risk tracking


Is my portfolio in line with my investment style?

How did I end up owning bank shares when

I am actually a growth investor?


Ziggma’s Portfolio Fundamental View

  • Portfolio companies’ KPIs in one single view
  • Aggregate portfolio level KPIs to compare against individual stocks’ KPI ratios

virtual portfolio


Do I own the best stocks?


Ziggma Stock Score

  • Stock ranking within an industry on a scale of 0 -100
  • Convenient portfolio level insight into stock quality

The Investing Tool for Better Portfolio Management - Ziggma


Are the companies I own living up to my

expectations when I first bought them?


Ziggma KPI Tracking

  • Track companies’ KPIs relative to the stock purchase date
  • Color-coded in green/red to reflect improving/deteriorating performance

KPI Tracking


Will my portfolio allow me to achieve my financial goals?

If not, what can I do to get there?


Ziggma Income Tracker, Ziggma Screener, Portfolio Simulator

  • Check your projected dividend and interest income
  • Convenient screening with the fastest stock screener on the market
  • Simulate the impacts of trades on your portfolio

Portfolio Income

What investors get out of using Ziggma

Our mission is to take the complexity out of investing. We want our users to have the information they need at their fingertips. Without having to be logged in all the time. Are we happy if people spend a lot of time and Ziggma? Hell yeah. But most investors don’t have the time, or the passion, to look for yet a better stock or yet another model portfolio idea. For these investors we built the Ziggma smart alerts.

Try Ziggma today. We want to help you invest better and with more confidence.