ZIGGMA Data: Sector-specific financials

On Ziggma, through our company profiles experienced investors with an interest in the financial services space can finally get industry-specific key performance indicators.

To our knowledge, we are the only platform out there where you can get this for free. Last we checked, Bloomberg was still a bit on the expensive side.

For banks, investors will find cost-to-income ratios, loan-loss provisions, or relevant liquidity ratios on Ziggma.

For REITs, there are key indicators, such as Loan-to-Value (LTV), average yield, FFO, or Price to FFO.

For insurance companies, Ziggma provides key performance indicators, such as the combined ratio, net leverage, or reserves/equity.

In addition to providing these industry-specific ratios, you can also find the relevant statement entries on Ziggma under the tab Accounts in the applicable Company Profile Page.

Why are we making our lives difficult by customizing the company information based on industry categories?

It’s fairly simple. We wanted to put an end to the one-size fits all approach that has been applied to date by the usual suspects providing financial data on the web. No more EBITDA ratios for insurance companies, no more standardized leverage ratios that make banks look like they are about to topple next to moderately leveraged corporates.

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